Scout Advancement

BSA Troop 67 Scout Advancement

Click on the rank for requirements.



Second Class

First Class – Be sure to serve in a role of leadership for the patrol or troop.


Life – BE SURE TO ASK FOR A LIFE TO EAGLE MEETING. This meeting includes troop leaders as well as the scout and parents.


How Can I help my scout?

Talk to your scout about their advancement. What skills do they need to work on? Do they need to attend camping trips? Do they need to volunteer? The best way to organically advance is through attending scouting events and overnight trips – often times there are opportunities to chat with merit badge counselors, get hikes and service hours in while attending these outings. Below are links about advancement and a link to find out more about Merit Badges.

Scouting Terms:

SMC – Scoutmaster Conference. In order to advance through each rank, scouts must with their scoutmaster for a scoutmaster conference.

BOR – Board of Review. After a scoutmaster conference and all requirements are fulfilled, scouts will ask to set up a Board of Review with three adult committee members to review their time during that rank and discuss future goals.

COH – Court of Honor. Every few months the troops holds a Court of Honor to recognize each scout’s accomplishments since the last COH. Not only is this a time for recognition but this event is typically written by a scout working on their communications merit badge and lead by the senior patrol leaders.